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Leading kidney patient support charity

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Hello, welcome

Dear people worldwide,
Welcome to my blog. My name is Gerold Lobles and i am currently living in Belgium, Europe. I have been dialysing since Februari 12th 2012. The purpose of this fundraising is to get on the kidney transplantation list as soon as possible.
Due to financial difficulties it has become almost impossible for me to get on the transplantation list. After 8 years of dialysing my body is showing and telling me that it’s getting tired, i have been limited in the amount of food and drinks that i can eat/drink. Dialysing has become an survival process. How long can my body take this? That depends on God, whom i put my trust in.
I feel that now is the time to take action so that my name can be added unto the transplantation list. I am longing to go back to my life without dialyses. I want my life back. That is why i am asking for your help. I have started a fundraising on my blog, if you can find it in your heart to make a donation to help me get on the transplantation list and get my life back. It would mean alot to me and my family. I would be forever grateful.
Your support is well needed. Thank you in advance and God bless you.

Here I recovered from corona infection
Here I recovered from corona infection